As the Ambassador of a Delegation of a Defense Attaché of the Cabal of a Consortium of Extra Terrestrial representatives from the planet Krypton. E.T. sentient communication is similar to listening to an A.M. Radio station when you're on the fringes of a
Radio tower with a multi-channel interference due to the
multi-faceted aspects of the variables of time capable sentient and none sentient Alien life that with a filtration system that becomes one aspect of delineating the informations, facts, and data into a thesis of an educated guess that should conclude in what needs to be a consensus of the plight of the contemporary inhabitants of the earth understanding the gravity of their decisions as policy makers to stop the progression of precipitateness of mankind's inclination for conflict based
on not letting past misfortunes of War be congruent with
this generations and the next generation inclination in wanting to
only fight in defense with knowing
the ratio of the totality of those whom have gone before us.
This is my website on the World Wide Web:
Check my internet protocol address:
thE joint chiefs of staff, The dni, NSA, dia, dhs, cia and fbi, that is reverse IP Lookup.
Review the entire website:

The construct of socially accepted benevolence of righteous authoritarian procurement of power and authority is self serving with out our societies capacity of understanding the detriment of wars viability of power that discern the unforeseen and fraught injustice of humanities affirmation of accepting war as a social norm to keep the civilians from witnessing the depravity of the horrors of a readily available quiver of arrows and the reluctance of the open talons of a branch of peace.
Stop, gather the facts, reach a conclusion then tell policy makers
to implement policy.
The construct of socially accepted benevolence of righteous authoritarian procurement of power and authority is self serving with out our societies capacity of understanding the detriment of wars viability of power that discern the unforeseen and fraught injustice of humanities affirmation of accepting war as a social norm to keep the civilians from witnessing the depravity of the horrors of a readily available quiver of arrows and the reluctance of the open talons of a branch of peace.

Justin Heathcoat is Ferris's
best friend and my sister and
I are twins born in separate years.
Also the question is, did President Obama look like
the Pharaoh in the Pyramids when he was growing up?
The School: Sierra Vista Middle School, Irvine, California was built in 1979 by
the DIA under the Carter Administration.
All the street names are significant Civil War battle names except
for Prescott Bush and Bill Clinton streets.
The prism shape is the flag of Arkansas.
Bill Clinton and I share the same birthday, he made to the Governorship then the Presidency.
Prescott Bush was George W. Bush's grandfather. Due to the electoral college vote,
unless it is a landslide election, the people do not get to choose the Presidents.
Those are Captain Ranks of the five branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, now there is a sixth branch called Space Force.

There is a certain point where War is not the greatest option, let's not let that be in retrospect. Sharifism.
جان علی شریفی رحنمون
The virtues of a sunflower. In a desolate corner of a garden, a sunflower rejoices in solitude. With the calm rise of the sun echoed in nature, we rejoice at this sacred anthem. The rain felt neglected and brought a storm to bare. The wind cleared the clouds as the thunder dissipated. The day was at twilight when the moon and sun were visible. The moon was not neglected for the sunflower bowed as it rose,
for the moon knew that it was illuminated by the sun's existence.

The above is photograph of me at
age four with my pet bird on my head. Mathew 3:16
And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God
descending like a dove, and lighting upon him.
The Magi were Zoroastrian Priests, and they anticipated the birth of Jesus Christ. The Magi viewed a comet going from the east of then Persia to the west, so they went west with three gifts. At first they went to the Arabs and the Arabs told them that their gifts were in Arabic and it was code for where the Lord and Savior was born. The gifts were: الذهب واللبان والمر, the Magi deciphered the code to the gifts, one was Ramallah, one was Nablus, and one was Bethlehem. They went to to Bethlehem.
My two uncles on my mother's side have Zoroastrian and Mithraism birthdays. One of them is for on AID, the Persian New Year. Mithraism: Most important date is December 25th. The early Christians, somewhere around 200 A.D. changed the date of Jesus Christ's birthday to December 25th. I was born on August 19th, page 367 of Albert Pike's book: Morals and Dogma, a Celtic and Druid summer solstice.
The one who's birthday is December 25th has a daughter born on the Christian calendar, her birthday is January 1st, the day of the Emancipation Proclamation. My uncle Mohammad was on June 13th, the day that Alexander the Great died.
I read the Quran and the Bible, and in the Quran it says that Mohammad does return as it's in the Bible that Jesus Christ returns.
I not claiming to be super awesome, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
In 1997 I had a dream that left a profound impact on me and still guides my actions to this day. I dreamt that I was in a esoteric environment of the Heavens, where my being consisted of a voice and the God's voice consisted of a voice greater my own, for he was a God of few words while I talked. The atmosphere was pitch black, yet there was tree there and I knew that the tree was there yet I could not see it, I could perceive it. We were looking down at the earth, and I spoke up and said "Why do humans act the way the do?, and the God said, "If you think living on earth is easy, then you go to the earth.”
The conversation I was having was with an E.T. War Lord about the carnage taking place during WWII.
I have made it my life's mission to find out the reason for WWII.
I am not Jewish, but since I sided with them in them and the British and the West, they are my people.
Liberation of France is on my birthday 19th of August.
Page 367 of Albert Pike's book: Morals and Dogma, 19th of August is a Celtic and Druid Summer Solstice.
I was born on a Sunday, and the Doctor who delivered me into this realm was named Moses.
I was a Muslim until I converted to Christianity, and one day when I die of old age I would like the
Conclave of Cardinals to consider me for Sainthood.
There was a friendly Panda Bear in the forest, bamboo was scarce, the Panda Bear became sad. Chief Koala Bear, said to the Panda Bear, "Scarcity is a test of faith to the worker ant, for the worker ant saves rice for the Winter,
and neglect not the rich harvest come Spring."
The Indian Chief got his name from the Village elders because once upon a time as a youth he wondered into town, and thought that he could steal a horse from a Cowboy in town, and at the exact moment he had chosen
the horse to steal, a giant Black Bear appeared, and scared the boy, and that is why his name is Koala Bear.
We are in a parallel Universe, and in the Heavens I sided with the British Empire, and the G.I.'s. during WWII.
My invention for the U.S. Defense industry. An advanced thermal imaging capable satellite that can see through enemy compounds. Also combine that with facial recognition software that can read jaw movements of terrorists, and with the triangulation of satellites that will be able to see what the enemy saying, we will be able to safeguard the nation. If in a different languages, like Arabic, Urdu, or Russian, we can beam the information to a super computer in the U.S. that runs on a language algorithms program that can translate any language into English.
Another invention of mine is for the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency. A super computer in the Pentagon that runs on a language algorithm program based on recorded antiquated cell phones, the triangulation of cell towers, and pay phones, and the triangulation of pager signals, to see if the criminal, or criminals, or terrorists, or any enemies, foreign, or domestic of the United States of America, and our allies have been working in detriment to the National Security interests of the west. With cell phone triangulation, we can tell who is who, and exactly where they are at.
My newest invention is for elite FBI Agents and Covert Operations and the Police: When there is a suspected criminal or possible fugitive or a Spy, basically anybody that is breaking the law: A liquid spray can be applied to the suspects clothes either at a dry cleaners or by brushing up against the suspect or by spraying the liquid by aerosol on the criminal's car, then when the possible fugitive is on the move, we will be able to track them with special goggles and or glasses. True you can get a Search Warrant and track their Cellular phone but in certain cases as in espionage or a crafty criminal who is aware of the Governments surveillance capabilities, then this newest invention is useful. I will be honest I had heard about this, so it is not entirely my invention, but I have elaborated on it. You can track a suspect in their vehicle because
they will have residue on
them or on their vehicle.
My new invention for the National Security Agency is the Voice Interceptor or V.I. for short. With the Voice Inceptor, voices of alleged assailants, or criminals will be put into a computer data base that with an algorithm based program that can detect the voice of the criminals, or alleged Spies. Let us say that hypothetically there is a call made in a ransom case in an abduction, the V.I. can go through Millions of voice samples of criminals, and or none criminal to detect who the criminal is, due to the fact that voices have signatures.
Another invention of mine is the helmet guided Helicopter machine gun. As you are Piloting a Helicopter, for efficiency, quickness, and accuracy, with the flip of a toggle switch the machine gun would become activated and engage the enemy that you are focused in on as your head turns
to view the enemy with your helmet.
A crocodile, and an alligator came to a pond where they saw tortuous in the middle of the pond as an egret was hitching a ride on the giant tortuous. The alligator, and the crocodile were by the pond watching, when a woodpecker started pecking at the scales of the crocodile. They all got submerged in the pond, and all the while, there was two Mariachis wearing ponchos, and drinking tequila at a Cantina by the pond, and all they saw was the eye's of the crocodile, and alligator as they were getting submerged in the water. Then one of the men turned to other one, and said be careful because the eye's of the wolf is watching from the forest.
The Villagers on edge of the town were weary of a friendly Dragon, but the Bear put a snare in a hen house, the Fox sided with the Dragon, because the Bear wanted to catch the Fox trying eat the hen, but the Fox figured out that the Bear had incentive, the Bear wanted the honey, and was bothered by the bees. But bees were wise and they sent out a worker bee and they stung the Bear, but the Bear survived because it a was big Bear, and this is the reason why Bears hibernate.
Chiseled from an unrefined Ashlar, the Ashlars were placed one after the other with mortars of volcanic ash as the binding. The Corner Stone of the Temple had the sign of the Square and Compass with the name of the Guild of builders who's grand design was blessed by a gavel of the O.E.S. with the men of the rite of the craft in a ritual prior to the Masons and apprentices of Masons start of work. The two marble Doric columns flanked the entrance of an iron gate with
Arch with a Keystone that is the sculpted Eye of Providence.
I salute the men and woman of the of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, past, present, and future, and the men and woman of the Intelligence Community, for they are the guardians of the Castle gates. And as they endure the incivility of the world beyond the gates of the western world, sometimes with out the publics accknowledgement and or accolades, we the people are not purview to the cruelty of our enemies.
By Devine Providence the United States is at the helm of power in the free world and our civil liberties are protected by the men and woman in uniform.
When Churchill became an honorary Citizen of the United States of America, he said
"Today, I am a Citizen of the U.S. and a subject of the British Empire."
To me a U.S. Marine exemplifies, honor, duty, devotion and commitment to the country. They have the thousand yard stare for they are battle tested and have the foresight and fortitude of the truest warriors.
They protect our us and seldom with complaint and that is why we honor their sacrifice.
Maybe when you grow up you can become a U.S. Marine or join the I.C. because irregardless of your race, or ethnicity, or your chosen Religion, people respect the uniform and at first they look at your Rank, name tag, your Bars, and your Medals.
Rest In Peace General Kalashnikov, I foolishly said in my Radio show to him that he should not be making weapons of destruction. He got mad and created RoboCop's enemy, and then I appoligized to the General and he invented a blue electric vehicle. And I also recall that when they said that 007 could not have
the Super Bowl ring, then Putin was kind enough to get a ring for me.
The hypothesis that has Physicist arrive at certain conclusion, based of facts of meta physics in the multi-Earth theory, can have Quantum Physicists arrive at certain conclusions. For instance the Mason-Dixon line, established by the early Americans, was not throughly thought out in conjunction with Canada's Provinces when designing the maps of the States. Also there are repercussions in culture, for instance Canada is a British America, and that permeates in their language, and culture. The Province of British Colombia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan, are California, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. I have compartmentalized more evidence that we are in an the accumulation of a multi-earth dimension of sorts, but cannot list all my evidence here. In conclusion, we should always have an alliance with the British Empire.
There are variables:
My favorite star on the iPhone (Democrats), a blue star, (Red, White, and Blue), G.I. Joe logo, Bones Brigade, General Powell, Cheyenne Mountain Complex, Buddhist writing on a grain of Rice. Dennis the Menace (Trump). It is imperative that work at CERN continue without disruption because of it's relevance to the future of the inhabitants of this planet earth, and the contemporaries. The work is inevitably a success in the future when the United States of America Militarizes the project. Any disruptions would equate to the past being either nullified or the past could manifest and effect the present that would then alter the future course of mankind. It is inevitable that the Quantum Physicists at CERN start to work on Einstein’s string theory, and stop work on the recreation of the Big Bang theory. We the United States of America stops going to space in the rudimentary way of space shuttles. They start work on convex wormholes that will be able to be controlled in front of future space ships that will able to warp time, and space, and we will be able to share a round table with other sentient beings. I know all of this because the Presidents did not choose their Administrations with having something to do with me, however they do mean something to me. Medvedev is Czar Nicholas II. Berlusconi is El Duce. Though I am weary of the Russians, I am optimistic about the plight of the West.
The world economy, in a the world of a free market system and the profitability of war. Following the devastating economic hardship placed on Germany after World War I and American companies' support of the new Soviet government's economy, the prosperity of America's 1920's economy came to a halt with the crash of the stock market. FDR's domestic New Deal program, though effective in the short term, was still effecting the national debt. War is profitable to nations and unless the great powers of the world learn to live in an economy sustained by ingenuity, and a true free market system that does not see the prospects of war's profitability as a viable tool against economic collapse, there will be war again. In conclusion, in this modern era of the interconnectable exchanges of trade and commerce, governments and businesses should be prudent in their expenditures, and foreign mergers and acquisitions.
China has had great economic success, and has risen as one the world's Superpowers. Wise economic practices and an inexpensive labor market that enables them to create goods at reasonable prices at a grand scale has lead to that success, they also have great knowledge of the demand in the market, and therefore they have a strong economy. In the long run I anticipate China will become more of a Socialist country with roots based in the central authority of the Communist party, Social-Communism. This will further strengthen their middle class and balance out the world economic market. As far as the United States is concerned in regards to the national debt, our founding fathers have created a foundation of a Democracy that is fertile soil for innovation and entrepreneurship. From the automobile to the airplane, to the cinema, American ingenuity and creativity will take us into a better and more prosperous future.
Confucius once said that the answer to meaning of life is within the leaf of a bamboo. I spent a week looking at a leaf of a bamboo. I got a magnifying glass and looked at the bamboo under different light, and after a week the answer was clear. If you have ever looked at the leaf of a bamboo, you would know that it is very intricate like a maze of sorts. The answer dawned on me, it is the Tao or rather the path that is just as important as the destination. The benefit of a weeks journey and the arrival at a conclusion, was the weeks destination, that is a life lesson that I value greatly.


My poems are in English,
and can be understood in Farsi, and Arabic.
Above the entrance of the tomb, a seal of Ra, a sun disk flanked with two cobras, and the wings of a falcon held up by a golden scarab. When all the lights dim, and the moths replace the candle light with embers, let the tombs close. Upon that certain hour as the scarabs eyes brighten with last the breath of the dead, the heart will beat again to answer a committees call, and our actions of good, bad, righteous, or indifference, will be measured with the golden scales that weigh our hearts with a feather, and a rock. If deemed to be redeemed, a golden scarab will take flight, and carry the spirits above the clouds to the Heavens,
as mourners mourn the dead with candles of vigil.
Fireflies illuminate lanterns along the streets that lead to gated passageways of sovereign temples. The air was palpable with fog enveloping our path, and the fog bowing before each step we took. As our exhales joined in the procession of our surrounding conditions, we were aware of how faith and fate would determine and manifest our ideals into our shared hands of destiny.

My birthday is on page 367 of Albert Pike's book, Morals and Dogma: 19th of August: A Celtic and Druid summer solstice.
I was born on a Sunday.

I died in 93'
The Shroud of Turin.

Branches of Government are similar to a family tree, and once you realize that the tree is just as important as the branches, and that there are seasons that span in the life of the tree, and due to the seasons, and life span of the tree, the tree remains, and the branches revitalize, and carry the hopes, and aspirations of the tree with new seedlings, either by the wind or birds, then you realize that whomever is entrusted with power, and whomever is the patriarch needs to act in accordance with the thought of the branches in mind.
There are worlds beyond worlds. There are Gods that speak in different sacred languages. There is a beyond in the endless vastness of space where there is a reconstructed affirmative echo of the speeches of the souls that mirror Gods eternal grace of immortality. With each breath and path that has been selectively chosen on the Earth, an establishment is founded upon our disciplined actions of good.
The effects of our causes is weighed and measured with golden scales of the lightness of our hearts.
In a personable mind that is in synchronized with the temple or the body that is the temple of one's Qi and balanced with one's
healthy heart, is a person who is receptive to new thoughts with a solid of foundation.
At the end of the silk road there is a lake atop a mountain whom is guarded by the clouds.
The rain had conjured up the lake. By the lake, a harp played by the wind sang the notes to the tune of the wings of a hummingbird in flight near a waterfall on the other side of the mountain.
A striking eagle took flight through the mountainous clouds, as thunder struck a mill in a field, elks locked horns, and ships crashed,
and the waves of the sea dissipated into the edge of the world.
As the tanks tread over the skeletal remains of the dead, the dust from the crushed skulls mixed with the exhaust of the war machine.
A war machine that beckoned soldiers to enlist and serve the cause. Weary and tired eyes witnessed the bombed out grand palaces of barons and dukes. The disarray called soldiers to hearken to their past,
a past long ago where there were forests, trees, and flowers that bloomed.
In the realm of the General's quarters, candles on candelabras light with the gesture of a nod as black armored knights keep watch from adjacent towers for enemy encampments.
The guardians guard is a shield of iron elevated with floral designs, completed by a master craftsman of a blacksmith. Intricate and symmetrical designs encircle the center that is a relief of an owl. The iron for the sword was gathered from the melting of iron statues that held a globe that rotated in water. The Sword was cast in lava and cooled with the blood of our enemies,
and hammered with the blessing of Thor.
In an orchestrated symphony, with synchronicity,
the hammer struck the forging sword, as lightning struck with each strike of the hammer.
When the sword was near completion, the thunder gave way to the rain and the sounds of the rain on the window pane echoed the future tears of the families of the enemies killed in battle should the sword be wielded in war.
At twilight the regiments assembled with the organized skills of a unison and of a heavenly bestowed entity, as the Generals awaited the ordained approval of the decimation of the enemy.
In the eerie desolate landscape of the post war, smoke from heaps of rumble gave to the air in what was once smoldering infernos of buildings bombed by descending planes that gave no resignation to their orders of the annihilation of the enemy.
Methodical and strategic thinking and the applied implementation of it in warfare, in most cases will bring about victory,
though the main ingredient for victory is righteousness.
Gather the facts, make an assessment, reach a conclusion, implement policy.
Justified authority, rather than just authority.
Wisdom should accompany knowledge.
Conclusions based on speculation of your opponents maneuvers cannot be a summary
of assumptions reached only by individual perspective.
As the sword pierced the knights armor, inside the drops falling blood, a world where fleets of ships that are about to embark on a composed sea that would give to turmoil and endless rain on the enemy's house should the knight be greeted with death.
On command, the ships ready for a voyage of attack towards the mercenaries who drew blood, they awaited their orders,
resolute to darken the sky like a thousand ravens in flight.
The enemy approached without the respect of the conduct of a true warrior, and as my sword withdrew from his armor, it took his last breath to the hilt of my sword, the blood splatter of my dying foe inscribed "Bushido," on my armor.
In the black veil of a moonless night with only stars to guide, samurais leaped and sprinted in silence as the enemy grappled with smoke, the silence was only broken with the unsheathing of swords.
The ambassador's emissaries sent a delegate with two letters, one a red wax sealed letter with their emblem and with the blood of fallen soldiers, the decree with a peaceful objective, if both sides agree to an amicable temporary suspension of fighting, and if rejected, the other letter with a red wax seal with the enemies emblem and with the blood of their fallen soldiers, announcing total annihilation.
The virtues of a sunflower. In a desolate corner of a garden, a sunflower rejoices in solitude. With the calm rise of the sun echoed in nature, we rejoice at this sacred anthem. The rain felt neglected and brought a storm to bare. The wind cleared the clouds as the thunder dissipated. The day was at twilight when the moon and sun were visible. The moon was not neglected for the sunflower bowed as it rose, for the moon knew that it was illuminated by the sun's existence.
Being respectful and kind does not deplete from your power.
The bats in the Cathedral's bell tower took to flight as the soldiers awoke to the ringing sounds of the bells of the Cathedral's tower.
With standing time, with awareness of all its surrounding the eagle with striking and refined precision, dove to the earth through the clouds and made unclear the blurred background. And as the eagle went from which it came, the mountain top above the clouds,
no one rested for they knew his keen eyes.
Let us awaken to the chariot that carries the sun across the endless sea. In awe inspiring mythos of the monument placed in Carnac that were reconstructed in a new land of endless grace, let us all heed with care and wonder of the ships that have paved the voyage.
Do not linger in the past, you will forget to live in the now, and when you live in the now do not forget to plan for your the future.
The temple high above a tower of the enchanted forest of stone monuments, high above the cumulus clouds where yellow canaries would nest on silk garments in bird cages with open doors, there lived a monk. The temple had two flanking sacred tiger statues made of pure gold surrounded by a garden of chrysanthemums. The incense bowl between the two tigers at the entrance of a hall of a thousand Buddhas was made on green jade with carved elephant tusks for the base. Once inside the temple one could see all of the thousand Buddha statues on the walls, and as you took in
the breath taking interior you would realize that you were standing on a floor of thick glass
that incased the largest sand mandala in the world.

The greater good in U.S. Military technology. Viewing the overall direction and picture of the battlefield while simultaneously paying attention to incremental moves. The ability to estimate the opponent's next maneuver is a valuable asset in your arsenal. Like playing Chess but without losing the lower ranking Soldiers. Think about Chess in a virtual hologram of a battle field and add the power of air superiority, and the deployment of troops with technically sound capabilities and astute leadership with the ability to coordinate air power without collateral damage. And unlike Chess there are no disposable assets.
At the end of the silk road there is a lake a top a mountain whom is guarded by the clouds.
The rain had conjured up the lake. By the lake, a harp played by the wind sang the notes to the tune of the wings of a hummingbird in flight near a waterfall on the other side of the mountain.
If battles and Wars are a microcosm of average life, anger is
a false emotion that is based on the attributes of hurt emotion.
If one does not control his or her anger, and lets hate guide his
or her actions in dealing with others, then that can lead to haste.
Haste leads to a lack of good judgement. A lack of good
judgement brings about defeat, for there is a lack of wisdom with
the attributes of hate when applied to fighting.
Do not let anger overwhelm your good judgement.

The ethereal embodiment of the strength of purpose that is resolutely reflected in the teary eye of a Monk who with a vow of silence could see in the pupils of one onlooker, the striving of a yellow chrysanthemum in a flower market in the midst of a chaotic world that is far distant from the ideals of the purposes of hope.
Ritter Von Greim was one of the good NAZIS of WWII, born on June 22nd, he had convinced Hitler to attack the USSR, knowing that it would be
freedom and liberty for Germany.

On the left is a women's Nurses Society
that took care of soldiers. Also Clara Barton was
the founder of the Red Cross.

The Vril society of Germany.

Near the sea, a spider's web acknowledged the breeze of the morning, as light emanated on the drops of water from the rain, in the right light you could see the translucent colors of a single strand of the pearl of the web emanate all the colors of the spectrum in the drops of rain.
I think I wrote the above poem in 2009, not sure, but many years ago.
The plurality of indiscretions of the status quo that conclude, and discern with prejudice as a result of seeking facts to establish societies' nurture that is bias, results in anger, resentment, and quarrels that lead to greater a conflict.
I believe we are all born inherently good, yet we grow up and judge others by our own experiences in life. It is not nature versus nurture yet the combination of nature, and nurture that make up of the individual life experience.
Racism is a result of the absence of kind nurture.
This is actual footage, several months ago, our brave men and woman from the Poseidon who where flying over the disputed islands that the Chinese built in the South China Sea. To the Police, or FBI or other inquiring U.S. agencies: This is from a Youtube Military channel, and with reverse I.P. look up you can tell that it is from the U.S. Military. Anyways, I believe that we can reach a peaceful resolution regarding the Woody Island, and we need the help of the Chinese to counterbalance the Russian threat. I watched this video live, and the Yellow Emperor got angry and put a Corporal Rank on the pilot, and a lieutenant Rank on the Co-pilot. Please be careful.

The world should be grateful for the Liberation of Europe from NAZI occupation. The blood of those whom sacrificed all for the Freedoms and Liberties we take for granted, the blood of those valiant soldiers courses in the veins of their sons and daughters whom were raised by those widowed by the War.
Some have become defenders of the Fatherland, and sacred to the realm of the immortal regiment of the Russian Federation.
There was friendly Panda Bear that lived in the forest, and the yummy yummy bamboo was no where to be found, and the Panda Bear became sad. To Indian Chief Koala Bear, said to the Panda Bear, "Scarcity is a test of faith to the worker ant, for the worker ant saves grain, and rice for the winter, so make do with what you have. Always be thankful."
The Indian Chief got his name from the Village elders because once upon a time as a youth he wondered into town, and thought that he could steal a horse from a Cowboy in town, and at the exact moment he had chosen
the horse to steal, a giant Black Bear appeared, and scared the boy, and that is why his name is Koala Bear.

My uncle's birthday on my mother's side are very important as
they have Zoroastrian birthdays.
The Zoroastrians were the Magi or the three wise men. Why would the Astrologer Priests return if Jesus Christ does not to return later on (I am not claiming to be Jesus Christ). The only uncle who's birthday I cannot figure out is my uncle Mohammad who resembles Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi (Birthday October 26th), he might be the real Mohammad. Also, you may ask why I have all the keys? Because I am an Angel of the Lord, I am the Angel Gabriel, I am important to the three great Religions. But the Government of the U.S. has not let me be, every week I have to get a blood test and every
month I have to get an injection for the diagnosis of
Bi-Polar Schizophrenia and I am heavily medicated. By now they know that I am an Extra Terrestrial, but I would prefer to be called an Angel of the Lord, the Angel Gabriel. Also when people are good even good people try and acknowledge their misdeeds, please do not bother my uncles as they are good people whom are important to the three great Religions. And I understand that this is not a Muslim country but you people like the Magi right?, the Magi were from Persia. COEXIST.
gather the facts, make an assessment, reach a conclusion, then tell policy makers to implement policy.
In terms of sociology and the psyche of the masses, and cultural anthropology. What constituted early human society, and civilization was a tribe of thirty people or more, with a hierarchy. Early mankind would set up their societies near water, and they would hunt for food, and then they started to discover eatable plants, and later they had livestock for sustenance. There were other tribes by the lakes, and or the fresh waters. In the beginning some of the tribes clashed, and waring states developed, and when mankind's civilization progressed, then they started to trade with one another. Europe became successful due to the topographical map and the weather, and the population density of the different early tribes, and the different dialects, and or languages. Competition created a flourishing society. I am trying to see from a bird's eye perspective why the Gods are angry at mankind, and in particular with the west, and the key to the success of society has moved to the east. We stoped the government HARP program, ionizing the weather clouds, yet the weather has drastically effected the west. My conclusion is that the Gods are angry at the earth, and the systemic economic aggregate of the fall of western society, and the global weather phenomenon is in part do to the anger, and resentment of mankind’s plight for power, and aggression that is one aspect of the turmoil of not letting bygones be bygones. Bygones be bygones was a phrase made popular by William Shakespeare. My advise to world leaders in the western world is to set the anger, and resentment aside, and find a peaceful resolution to the anger of the masses. From a greater perspective in regards to the weather phenomenon, and the earth, the planets alignments are a key factor in the weather on the earth, and the seasons. Also the People’s Republic of China, and their success in this parallel Universe in becoming a superpower is in part do to they being justified in their power. In the near future, I am praying that we can avoid the domino effect of war with the Chinese, for the advancement of the temporary revenue that would alleviate the G.D.P.s downturn in the U.S. is only temporary with war, for the Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned us about, war is profitable but not in the long run. Also we must be a justified Government rather than inflicting just authority, so justified authority rather than just authority. Innovation, and ingenuity are key to the western world’s survival. Buy American goods, and think about the ecosystem, buy biodegradable goods, and think about the root etymology of the word humankind, and mankind.

We network, President Putin got me a ring that 007 couldn't have.
Also, he talked with the CEO of Daimler Benz, and they created this cool digital display in some of the Mercedes Benzes.
The CEO of Mercedes Benz is great man, he looks like he could be someone's opa.
I believe in COEXISTING, and the weather phenomenon on the planet is troublesome for me, and I know to not pray for selfish reasons, so I pray that the weather becomes sustainable for the inhabitants of the earth, and the contemporaries.
I know that there is a God, for the Universe is elaborate, and complex. Think about the how the earth is rotating around it's Axis, and simultaneously around the sun, and simultaneously the moon is rotating around it's Axis, and both are rotating around the sun. The rotation is at different speeds due to to mass, and placement in the our solar system, and the planetary alinement of the gravitational pull. As the earth and the moon are rotating at different speeds around the Sun, all other planets in our solar system are as well, and in the desert, from one vantage point, when you look at the night sky, and the stars that seem to be near each other, they may be thousands of light years away from each other. I am sure that there are some rare instances that the stars we view are next to each other, and that is very special.
Let us talk about the ozone shield of the planet earth in relations to all the planets in our solar system: On the earth the ozone is thinner near the equator because the earth is on an Axis, and the equator is closer to the sun. Also pollution, and it's deterioration of the ozone is thinning the earth's shield in a faster rate. In conjunction with the phenomena of the sun's solar flares, I theorize that this is in part due to the gravitational pull of the sun in relations to the gravitational pull of the planet the earth, and all the other planets in our solar system, and their moons.
The planetary alignment affects the weather on the planet earth, and the moon controls the tidal waves. Think about the weather on the planet, and the seasons, if you are in a car with an air conditioner for the passenger, and one for the driver, when the air conditioner is on, and the passenger might have set the air conditioner for a different temperature of cool than the driver, or maybe the passenger set the air conditioner to heat, then though the passenger, and driver will experience different comfort, the overall temperature inside the car is affected. The weather on planet is affected by the overall temperature, and alignment to the moon, and other planets, yet we have season in different locations of the planet earth due to topographical maps that are about elevation of the land in relation to the sea levels. Polar ice caps are melting at an astonishing rate, we need to move off of fossil fuels, and we need to purchase biodegradable goods. Wind energy, and, solar farms are the way of the future if we are to sustain life on the planet. In conclusion, I am praying that the planetary alignments in our solar system be in harmony, then once the moons, and the planets, and the earth, and sun are on a perfect spacial alignment then we won't have the global weather phenomenon that is affecting our planet in a detrimental way.
I took a walk in the mountains near my home. On trail in the woods I went, to discover a brook with a Moon bridge and round stones of all shapes and sizes that the steady stream was washing over, and in the middle of the river there was a large stone in the center. I sat on a boulder covered with moss and there in plain view was a Muntjac with eyes as black as the midnight sun during an eclipse. The Muntjac was sitting on the large stone in the midst of the river. I did not make any sudden moves, as I did not want to startle the Muntjac. Day turned into night, and that night the Moon was a waning crescent. We parted ways, yet to this day I can remember the reflection of the waining Moon in the eyes of the Muntjac that resembled a white crescent Moon with a glare that resembled a white star.
Long live the spirit of John John.

I am not the droid that you are looking for.
The liberation of France, on my birthday, the 19th of August.
Page 367 of Albert Pike's book, Morals and Dogma,
the 19th of August is a Celtic and Druid summer solstice.

This is a photograph of a Flame Skimmer Dragonfly. I took the photograph today.
This yellow King Butterfly did a halo around my head and was flying around my lime tree in
my garden.
JFK wanted his grave to look like
King Edward VIII's grave
(June 22nd, the day for Operation Barbarossa)
My advice to policy makers is to reconcile differences between the United States and
the Russian Federation.
The Bear is a heavier lift than the Chinese Dragon.
Long live the Spirit of the King of the British Empire whom retired in Coronado, California.

The honorable Chairman Mao wrote that if in a field of grass if a single grass grows beyond the length of the others, then it must be cut down to size. Wise words, for order in society, but what if in the field of grass there is a rose,
would you then interfere with the rose?
My cat's eye mascara on my right eye broke apart in the crevasses of my crow's feet as I raised an eyebrow with my left eye open as large as the full moon. I saw the light of torches behind the window of the Castle chambers in the large mirror that faced me, but could only see my victim and the angry mob of villagers. I dropped the pale corps of my concubine with my fangs incisions in her gorge. I turned and with my right hand gripping my cloak and I vanished as a bat to hang on the chandelier of candles on the ceiling of the Castle.
As the villagers entered the Castle I took to flight from the open Castle gates into a blood moon.
The blood curdling scream of the villagers sheer horror at site of the boiling vat of blood of severed heads that I was boiling broke the skull glass goblet in my hand and gave both the head of our hairs a streak of white.

The above photograph is of
a Memorial to the G.I.'s that
died Liberating NAZI Germany. The totality of the numbers WWII:
447,000 U.S. soldiers.
3,000,000 Germans.
23,000,000 Soviet soldiers,
and 4,000,000 Russian civilians.
6,OOO,OOO Jewish people.
I took a walk in the mountains near my home. On trail in the woods I went to discover a brook with a Moon bridge and round stones of all shapes and sizes that the steady stream was washing over with a large stone in the center. I sat on a boulder covered with moss and there in plain view was a Muntjac with eyes as black as the midnight sun during an eclipse. The Muntjac was sitting on the large stone in the midst of the river. I did not make any sudden moves, as I did not want to startle the Muntjac. Day turned into night, and that night the Moon was a waning crescent. We parted ways, yet to this day I can still remember the reflection of the waining Moon in the eyes of the Muntjac that resembled a white crescent Moon with a glare that resembled a white star.
The temple high above a tower of the enchanted forest of stone monuments, high above the cumulus clouds where yellow canaries would nest on silk garments in bird cages with open doors, there lived a monk. The temple had two flanking sacred tiger statues of pure gold surrounded by a garden of yellow chrysanthemums. The incense bowl between the two tigers at the entrance of a hall of a thousand Buddhas was made up of green jade with carved elephant tusks for the base. Once inside the temple one could see all of the thousand Buddha statues on the walls, and as you took in the breath taking interior you
realized that you were standing on a floor of thick glass that incased the largest sand mandala in the world.
The inherent resolve and determination of Middle Eastern people including the Israelites who demand the marginalizing of extremism and want to correspond with a pragmatic approach to the deescalation of the world's lack of empathy in regions of conflict, should not be approached as an irredeemable ancillary tactic. The old adage of nature versus nurture as a blueprint of an individual’s life, from a perspective that is not indifferent to others and that we are all inherently good and nurture in adversity is where the environmental factors of the average life’s indiscretions of experience and the status quo make us bias to other cultures. And if battles and Wars are a microcosm of average life, anger is a false emotion that is based on the attributes of hurt emotion. If one does not control his or her anger, and lets hate guide his or her actions in dealing with others, then that can lead to haste. Haste leads to a lack of good judgement. A lack of good
judgement brings about defeat, for there is a lack of wisdom with the attributes of hate when applied to fighting.
Do not let anger overwhelm your good judgement.
Death is a false friend for it is transcendence. Place the golden scarab on the chest. When all the lights dim and the moths replace the candle light with embers of suffrage, let the tombs close. Upon that certain hour as the scarabs eyes brighten with the last breath of the dead, the heart will beat again to answer a committees call veins like vessels for rivers of blood will rush to the chest and fall into deltas connected to the heart. As the scarab takes flight, the eyes of the golden scarab will flutter alive like the wings of butterfly.
The Planet is British.
The only hope for the free World

This film proves that I am the nucleus in this parallel Universe and that in the future the United States of America becomes time capable, so I am optimistic though there variables and people, especially the Law makers in Government have a solemn obligation to the rule of Law.
Please do not bother the Hollywood actors and or actresses from this film, or the scriptwriters and our producers, as they most likely had no idea as to the communication that was from the beyond. I can prove that we, the United States are at the helm power in the future, through the various Television series and movies from Hollywood, but I am reticent to disclose the various communications through the films because I do not want people from the film industry to be bothered.
There are rules, Law, regulations, and if anybody has any question please just ask. We must be a just society, rather than just a society, so STOP, and think, gather the facts, make an assessment, reach, a conclusion, then implement policy.
To be quick is not always best, sometimes, most of the time, you have to do your thinking with an investigative eye.
I sat in for Méliès in an empty theater. I rose the curtains and I changed the reels. The movie “A Trip to the Moon.” A white circular blip appeared on the screen, time to change the reel again, I took a break for a smoke, before I changed the reel. I went out to the front of the theater and for the first time I noticed an American Red Maple tree, and as a few of it’s leaves fell spiraling down to the earth with a gust of wind, one broke through the exhale of my smoke. I went back in in theater again and changed the reel and sat back in my seat. I took another break and this time I went to the back of the theatre through the exit, there on a hill were yellow Solidago flowers and it started to rain and as the field of flowers was seeming to dance with the wind and the rain I noticed a street performer with a Cello. With each strike of the cord with a green jade arquette, the music correlated with the thunder and the rain and the wind.
The temple high above a tower of the enchanted forest of stone monuments, high above the cumulus clouds where yellow canaries would nest on silk garments in bird cages with open doors, there lived a monk. The temple had two flanking sacred tiger statues made of pure gold surrounded by a garden of chrysanthemums. The incense bowl between the two tigers at the entrance of a hall of a thousand Buddhas was made on green jade with carved elephant tusks for the base. Once inside the temple one could see all of the
thousand Buddha statues on the walls, and as you took in
the breath taking interior you would realize that you were standing on a floor of thick glass
that incased the largest sand mandala in the world.
As far as climate change is concerned, we have stopped the Government HARP program, and the world's climate will be within our control sometime in the future. Think about it like being in a vehicle with an air conditioner for the driver, and one for the passenger, though the overall climate is affected, regions have their own seasonal weather that has to do with planetary alignments and the land in relation to the sea levels and pollution is a threat to the environment of Earth's atmosphere. The rotation of the Earth's Axis in conjunction with the alignment the Moon, and other Planets causes different seasons in different locations of the Earth. Any disturbances in the Planetary alignment will create different regional weather on the Earth, and hence affect the global weather. The world’s ecosystem is effected by pollution. With the industrial revolution blackening buildings with the soot of pollution, the butterflies became visible to their prey and most disappeared when they would land on blackened buildings. With out the butterflies the world has something missing and that has repercussions, for what they feed upon and what they contribute to in the eco-system is a balance. Also the moon controls tidal waves and ocean currents. All Government need to be responsible by lessening carbon emissions, but we must also all do our part and not pollute. When possible buy biodegradable goods.
My birthday is August 19th, 1979.
The Russian people are free today,
and there are no more Gulags.
In the shifting sands of the desert, mirages seem like oasis' of lakes, ponds, or tributaries.
As one travels, the wind moves the hills of sand, and there is no geographical point to establish for a traveller, one must wait until night fall and a clear sky to travel by stars.
In my search for my destination I noticed the footprints of a desert fox and
as I turned my head the fox’s footprints in the sand had been filled with sand.
Saint Rommel was a good NAZI. He left Nazi Germany for the Africa campaign.
View the painting of Job, and view Saint Romuald painting. 619 is the Feast Day of Saint Romuald. 619 Area Code: U.S. Military.
The Footprints Prayer
One night I had a dream….
I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord, and
Across the sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; One belonged to me, and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of my life flashed before us, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that many times along the path of my life, There was only one set of footprints.
I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest
and saddest times in my life
This really bothered me, and I questioned the Lord about it.
“Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
You would walk with me all the way;
But I have noticed that during the
most troublesome times in my life,
There is only one set of footprints.
I don’t understand why in times when I
needed you the most, you should leave me.
The Lord replied, “My precious, precious
child. I love you, and I would never,
never leave you during your times of
trial and suffering.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you.

My grandparents, Rest In Peace, were both kind Muslims,
whom I had a great respect and admiration for.
I am Christian and I believe in the Judeo-Christian faith.
Later on, my aunt gave me two books, one was about an octopus' treasures and the other book was about
a great Persian Muslim Mongolian King.

Death is a false friend for it has transcendence. Place the golden scarab on the chest. When all the lights dim and the moths replace the candle light with embers of suffrage, let the tombs close. Upon that certain hour as the scarabs eyes brighten with the last breath of the dead, the heart will beat again to answer a committees call, veins like vessels for rivers of blood will rush to the chest and fall into deltas connected to the heart. As the scarab takes flight,
the eyes of the golden scarab will flutter alive like the wings of butterfly.
The intangible conclusions based on the capacity of the above average mind’s cognitive ability based on hypothesis’ of known data, informations, and facts results in erroneous theories, due to the fact that the average human uses only ten percent of their brain's capacity. In conclusion if an individual lacks an ability, in most instances they will posses a higher level of capability in other fields. If a Musician who is deaf, if they have the perquisites for the being musical, will exceed in an exceptional way. Also, there are unknowns in all academia, and to merge Science and organized Religion would excel mankind's progress and in particular in the field of Space we could advance humanities plight in the future. The left hemisphere of the brain has analytical capability and logic and controls the right hand. The right hemisphere of the brain is creative and controls the left hand and only one percent of the earth's contemporaries are ambidextrous.
Review this entire website:
In 2008 to 2009, I went to the Hotel in Dana Point and yelled "There is no room at the inn." The Hotel I stayed at looked like the White House, with a light on chains, and the map of Dana Point resembles Washington D.C. جان علی شریفی رهنمون, this is my birth name: It is a complex cypher: it says: "My grandson is the Angel of Illinois. Bahai Temple, Illinois (accepting of all faiths and built after the Roswell, New Mexico Courthouse). For many year I would go to Middleton Street in Dana Point and meditate and smoke cigarettes. Then the Duke of Great Britain met the Duchess and married and Prince George was brought into the world. Roswell is very important; Space shuttles have been named after it's streets. I understand that traditional Christian theologians do not accept Extra Terrestrials as Angels. Also Prince is different, I had Obama present the Queen with an iPod, Obama is from the Pyramids. The ancient Pyramids of Giza are 1600 Light Years Away from the constellation of Orion, hence 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The Pyramids are the most important seven wonders of the ancient world. Do not bother the Royal family, Prince George is different in a good way.
I used my sister's Credit Card to stay at the Hotel.

The Earth has always been a Colony.
Barack Obama didn't look like the Pharaoh growing up.
The Pyramids are one of the most important structures known to man.

My sister and I were puppies.
717 Maiden flight of B-2 Stealth Bomber previous generation
(My grandfather Rest In Peace).
I don't think they had to ask.
The new generation Stealth Bomber is the
F 117 Night Hawk
718 Maiden Flight (I am the Night Hawk).
I took an AZVAB Test at Los Pinos Juvenile Facility
to an Army General.
In the murky fog of the morning mist with only the light of the firing of the cannons with Galleons to Galleons we went Ship to Ship. As the battle drew to an end, the fog lifted with the bright sun and then a fellow Sailor in the Crow's Nest spotted an island, and the remaining Crew of both Ships all stoped fighting and both Ship Captains decided sign a decree of peace amongst two. As both Ships were damaged by the battle, they fashioned a new vessel on the nearby island and they named the new vessel
the USS Artemis (AKA-21).

I am the reason why the United States Department of Defense changed their emblem to have large Eagle talons, The 17th Airborne Division of the U.S. Army from WWII.

My birthday is on page 367 of Albert Pike's book,
Morals and Dogma,
a Celtic and Druid summer solstice.
Regarding the global weather phenomenon,
we have been having a "Blood Moon," meaning that the Moon seems to be larger than previous Moons. The Moon is in actuality not larger, yet it is in closer proximity to the Earth than ever before. The Moon has mass therefore it has gravity and the Moon's gravitational pull in relation to the Earth effect the weather and the seasons on the Earth.

Stop, gather the facts, make assessments, reach a conclusion,
then tell your policy makers to implement policy.
And stop the domino effect of conflict that can lead to an actual war.

In flight the eagle seemed to hover in the high altitude above the snow covered mountains.
As the eagle dove to the Earth, amidst the mountains, forests, and trees, a lake reflected the Moon and the traveling shadow reflected the eagle in flight
over the calm waters of a lake called Serenity, for a fleeting moment the eagle's traveling shadow was in alignment with the moons.
The hammer struck the forging sword and with each strike, lightning struck in the distance. As the sword was cooled in a cauldron of the blood of our enemies, the orb that was on the pommel above the hilt that was flanked by a mist of a reddish hue opened, and an eye became visible on the orb.
As the tanks tread over the skeletal remains of the dead, the dust from the crushed skulls mixed with the exhaust of the war machine. A war machine that beckoned soldiers to enlist and serve the cause. Weary and tired eyes witnessed the bombed out grand palaces of Barons and Dukes. The disarray called for Soldiers to hearken to their past, a past long ago where there were forests, trees, and flowers that bloomed.
And as the ethereal Spirits of the dead Regiments, Legions, Platoon, and Brigades of the past awakened to hearken the immortal word's of the mortal world, they sought to avenge their untimely deaths with having mortals join the Ranks of their Divisions.

General Robert Ritter von Greim, a good NAZI.
Birthday: June 22nd.
Operation Barbarossa
was his idea,
knowing that it would bring
freedom and liberty for Europe.

The above is a Scarab. Outside of the nearby Verizon store, if somebody talks and another person is 20 feet or so to the right then the voice of the person become amplified. At my house, if you stand at a particular location outside in the backyard, then the voice of my neighbors, house number 33 gets amplified and you can hear everything that they are saying. In the Canyon there is a Buddhist Temple, and there is a room where the voice of the individual is amplified due to the way they building was built.

The Narwhal Whale is the original Unicorn.

The above code is in English and can be understood in Farsi and Arabic.
I would like peace with the Muslim world.